Thursday, November 25, 2010


As promised, a true extra credit opportunity. This will be worth 15 points towards your homework grade. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, will be to download a virtual molecule building program from the internet and use the program to build a virtual molecule. If you try to build the molecule that I designate for you and email the file to me, you will get 10 of the possible 15 points. To get the remaining 5 of the 15 points, the molecule must be built correctly. If you Google the molecule that I designate for you, you should be able to find an image and just replicate that image. My goal for this project is not for you to build the molecule correctly (though I would like that to happen), but rather that you familiarize yourself with the software.

The software is called Jmol, and it is freeware. Use the link to go to the site and follow the directions on how to download the software. You may need a decompression program to extract the files from a folder. I have made a short PODCast how to download the program and use it. It is labeled Jmol Demo and can be found on the date November 25th on the Events Calendar. Please email the completed file to me at

Below are the designations for what organic compound you are to build.
  • If your last name starts with "A" through "G" - build the compound cis-difluoroethene.
  • If your last name starts with "H" through "L" - build the compound 2-Butene.
  • If your last name starts with "M" through "P" - build the compound Propyne.
  • If your last name starts with "S" - build the compound Butanol. **If your last name starts with "Si" and you have a XY chromosome, you must build Isobutanol. But if your last name starts with "Si" and have a XX chromosome, you will still build Butanol. If the "Si's" of the class do not understand what I mean, you better look up chromosomes.
  • If your last name starts with "T" through "Z" - build the compound trans-difluoroethene.
To all in the class. If anyone can build Methylbenzene and send me the file, it will be worth another 5 points extra credit towards your homework grade. Good luck and look back at the blog this weekend for some other information that I will be putting out about the chapters in the book that will be covered after the Thanksgiving break.

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